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Includes everything in Level 1, and after the workshop I take you in the "field" where I will show you first hand how everything that you learned in the workshop applies to real life.


We will spend time observing as I point out whats going on in the bar/club/bookstore/social scene(whichever on you're most comfortable with). At the end of level 2 not only will you have the knowledge, but it will be permanently placed in to your mind for immediate use. This is a game changer..


This includes all levels but also includes one last "in field" workshop where you will be interacting with eligible bachelors while I give you real time tweaks allowing you to learn and interact at the same time.

After this level,  just count on filling that black book and having to purchase another.



 Our "in field" workshops are usually attached to the end of our level 1 and level 2, in class workshops.  This is where the rubber meets road.  It's like being in a flight simulator, no danger....but you learn EVERYTHING you need to while getting a real time heads up as to whats REALLY going on around you in your favorite spots to "relax".  The in field workshops are  AMAZING.

© 2012 by Become a "10" pink!

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